How To Handle A Cracked Windshield

A cracked windshield is more than a simple visual annoyance that you experience while you drive; it can significantly and negatively affect your ability to see while on the road, while also representing a serious safety hazard. Cracks that are able to spread over a large portion of your windshield can cause the entire windshield to collapse inwards if exposed to the normal environmental pressures of driving, including shaking, jolting, and various weather conditions. Both of these effects can cause a serious increase in the risk of experiencing a collision, which can cause further mechanical problems to your vehicle – not to mention yourself and your passengers. Fortunately, handling and repairing a cracked windshield is a fairly straightforward process if you know what to do.

Immediate Action

Upon first noticing that you have a crack in your windshield, you should make sure that it does not obscure your line of sight while driving, or otherwise fundamentally undermine the structural integrity of your windshield to the point where it may simply fall apart. Then, you should head straight to an auto glass repair shop to have your windshield either repaired or replaced entirely by a glass replacement company. If either of the two scenarios do apply to you, you need to make sure that you call a tow company to ensure that your vehicle can be safely transported to a professional.

Cover the Crack

While you should always have cracks and damage repaired quickly to ensure that it does not have the opportunity to spread, this isn't always practical. If you have to drive with a damaged windshield, you should make sure that you cover the damaged area of glass with something like clear tape to prevent dust and dirt from getting into the crack. Without doing so, debris can accumulate in the opening, which can make it impossible for you to effectively patch and repair the damage at a later date. Waiting to repair a windshield crack can mean that you will have to replace the entire pane of glass instead, which can represent a significant expense.

Keep It Cool and Covered

In addition, if you are unable to have your windshield glass repaired straight away, you should make sure that you protect your windshield from further environmental damage by parking your vehicle in shaded and cool areas. This prevents heat from sunlight from causing the cracks to expand, and also reduces the likelihood that falling debris from trees, animals, or other sources could potentially cause further cracking elsewhere on your windshield.
