If you would like to be safer as you drive, a great step you can take is to find new and different ways to increase your visibility. Your ability to see your surroundings will keep your health intact, while also allowing you to prevent any damage to your automobile. Employ these guidelines below so that you are able to maintain your vehicle in a way that helps you increase your visibility.
#1: Keep The Precipitation Out of Your Line of Vision
To remain safe during inclement weather, you need to be able to quickly and easily clear precipitation from your windshield. If you live somewhere that experiences snowy winters, you need to be extra sure that you have defrost capability, which will allow you to clear your windows so that you can see where you're going and avoid any mishaps. You must also be sure that you change out your windshield wipers at least annually. These windshield wipers can cost you upwards of $20 for a standard pair and as much as $200 each for heated windshield wipers.
#2: Add Mechanisms That Can Help You Avoid Collisions
It is very important that you add features to your vehicle that will help you to avoid collisions. For instance, you can add a sensor that provides blind spot awareness. This way, you will hear a beep or notification of another car is entering your blind spot. You can also install a GPS navigation system that not only gives you from point A to point B, in addition to notifications to let you know about potentially hazardous traffic jams, traffic conditions, and vehicles stalled on the side of the road. You can also purchase backup cameras for between approximately $150 and $400, not including installation labor costs.
#3: Modify Or Change Your Windshield
To get the most of your visibility, you must keep your windshield at its best. For some, this may involve getting a professional grade window tint which will keep ultraviolet rays out of your eyes. Be sure that the tint you purchase is legal based on your state DMV requirements. You should also fix any cracks in your windshield as they happen, instead of allowing it to keep getting deeper. You can also change out your windshield and buy a new one for upwards of approximately $325.
Use these points so that you can increase your visibility when you drive.